Ultra - Granting Students Accommodations

Watch the how-to video

Refer to Roster for more information

In Blackboard, “Accommodations” are different from “Exceptions”. Exceptions allow students additional attempts or extended access for specific assessments, whereas accommodations apply to all assessments in the course.

1. Select “Roster” on the Course Content page:

course roster

2. Click the ellipsis next to the student’s name and select “Accommodations”:

add accommodations

3. Select the checkbox next to “Due date accommodation” if you would like to prevent a student from having their work marked Late. When the student is in a group, all students in that group inherit the accommodation:

due date accommodation

4. Select the checkbox next to “Time limit accommodation” if you would like to allow a student more time to finish their work during timed assessments. Note that you may enter a custom percentage of extra time or allow the student unlimited extra time:

time limit accommodation

5. Click “Save” at the bottom of the Accommodations panel:

save button

6. If you created a time limit accommodation, click “Add” in the window that pops up:

add button

Students with accommodations now appear with a purple ribbon next to their names. If you choose to grade assignments with student names hidden, no accommodation icon appears:

purple ribbon

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Article ID: 154520
Tue 9/26/23 11:40 AM
Thu 11/30/23 1:08 PM