Ultra – Submitting Work to an Assignment

Watch the how-to video

Refer to Submit Assignment for more information

1. Navigate to the assignment and click the title.

2. Look over the assignment's information such as the due date, how many attempts and max points.


3. Click on "Start attempt" or "Start attempt 1". (Note: If you see Start attempt 1, this means that your Professor has given you multiple attempts at this assignment.)


4. Click in the text field below Submissions.

5. Click on the paper clip icon.

6. Once you have located your file, select the file and then click "Open".

7. Click "Save".

8. Once your document has loaded in the submission field, click "Submit".

9. Click "Submit". (Note: Once you have clicked the submit button, you will not be able to withdraw your submission.)

10. If you would like to download your submission receipt, then click "Download". Otherwise, click "Cancel".

11. Click the white x to close out the assignment panel.

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