Blackboard Collaborate FAQ

Can I use my microphone?
Yes, you can use your microphone when you want to talk using the built-in audio. Click the mic button and wait until it is animated and green.

How to chat during the live webinar?
Open the Collaboration Panel > Chat and type.

Is there a way for me to talk during the webinar if I don’t have a microphone?
Yes, Open the Session Menu > Use your phone for audio. Connect to the telephone bridge by dialing the 10-digit number and then entering the PIN.

How do I mute either my mic or phone?
Click on either the mic or phone icon. By default, the mic or phone will be muted.

When I join the webinar, I’m seeing the following message “it looks like you’ve blocked permission to access your microphone and camera. Check your browser settings.” What do I do to join the webinar?
If you receive this message, please click the white x in the upper right hand corner.


Article ID: 100497
Tue 3/10/20 11:28 AM
Tue 3/10/20 11:52 AM