Changing the Email Address of your Personal Zoom Account


This article shows how to change your email address from your personal zoom account to the college zoom account if you used a friendly email address.


Changing the Email address of your personal Zoom account

To change your personal Zoom account to the College Microsoft 365 account, you will be prompted to change your email address from the friendly email address to the Microsoft 365 email address. The prompt will appear when you sign in to an existing account in the Zoom web portal or Zoom client. You may also receive an email notification. 

Example of email addresses:

Microsoft 365 account:        
Friendly email address:       
Zoom account name:          

Our recommendation for this situation AND if you have a FREE Zoom account is to select the option: Change Email Address. An alternative option is to Terminate/Delete the account.

If this situation applies to you but you have a PAID personal Zoom account, the recommendation is to join the account. (See the section “Joining with your RIC friendly email address”)

When the prompt appears, click Change Email Address then click Continue.

Complete the required fields, then click Save.

A confirmation email will be sent to your new email address. Open the email and click Confirm Change.

Enter a new password and click Submit.

  1. Click Sign in Now to access your account.


Joining with your RIC friendly email address

These instructions only apply if you have a PAID personal Zoom account.

In order to get the remainder of your subscription reimbursed, you need to join the RIC Zoom account.

After you joined the account, we will delete this Zoom user for you

You can start using the Zoom user we created for you based on your Microsoft 365 account name.

Log in to Zoom via M365 or (for instructions see

Your personal @RIC.EDU account will be consolidated into a College account, you will be prompted to join the master account. The prompt will appear when you sign in to an existing account.
Note: Signing in to the Zoom web portal or the client will trigger the prompt. You may also receive an email notification. 


Click Join the Account then click Continue.

If you’re @RIC.EDU account is a paid account you will be prompted to refund their outstanding balance before consolidating.

Once the refund request has been submitted, a confirmation page appears. An email will be sent when the refund process is complete.

Users without paid accounts will simply receive confirmation that they have joined the master account.

After you joined the account, we will delete this Zoom user for you

You can start using the Zoom user we created for you based on your Microsoft 365 account name.

Log in to Zoom via M365 or (for instructions see

NOTE for employees who have been reimbursed by the college or a grant for a paid personal Zoom account. You will need to contact the appropriate contact to discuss a pro-rated reimbursement. During the join operation the refund from Zoom to you will be part of the consolidation steps.




Article ID: 109797
Thu 6/11/20 3:26 PM
Thu 6/18/20 6:10 AM