Kaltura: Embed a video in your course


This article will show you how to embed one of your Katlura videos into your Blackboard course.


Watch the how-to video

How to embed one of your Kaltura videos into your Blackboard course?

Two Ways to embed your Kaltura video

Option A

Option B

Option A

In your Blackboard course, go to where you want to deploy your Kaltura video.

Select “Build Content > Kaltura Media”.

3. Click Embed.

4. The Katlura video has been embedded in the course.

Option B

In your Blackboard course, go to where you want to deploy your Kaltura video.

Select Build Content > Item.

Enter in a name.

Select the (+) plus sign.

Click Kaltura Media.

Click Embed.

Click Submit.

The Kaltura video has been embedded in the course and you see the video thumbnail.






Article ID: 117328
Wed 9/30/20 12:31 PM
Thu 12/21/23 11:59 AM