Zoom: How to Download Zoom Cloud Recording


How to Download Your Zoom Cloud Recording to Your Local Machine


1.  Go to your RIC Zoom Web Portal. There are two ways to access your RIC Web Portal, which are:

Option 1 - In your Microsoft 365 account, click the App Launcher, select Zoom@RIC and then click the “Sign in” button.

Option 2 – Go to https://ri-college.zoom.us and then click the “Sign in” button.

2. Click on “Recording” within the left-hand navigation.

3. To the right of your recording, click “More”.

4. Click “Download”.

5. Save the files to a location on your local machine.

NOTE: If you want to place the recording into your Blackboard course, you can upload the recording (mp4 file) to your Kaltura My Media and then embed the recording into your course. Please refer to the “Upload video to your Kaltura My Media” webinar recording at https://emailric-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/sbadger_ric_edu/EVkMDZd93MxEgRf2oG73deEB9WodRrhsAMSYS5PP5qswdw?e=s6Sbkw 

NOTE: If you want to upload the recording (mp4 file) to your Microsoft 365 OneDrive, please refer the "Access and Organize Your Files and Folders within Your Microsoft 365 OneDrive" webinar recording at https://ri-college.zoom.us/rec/share/riZbGWGBTm19sPcpQ1GBuDUd6sFmDsYy4uZ223G3IBNSXnjS7e78L9Qw0ZW8MP41.D6BPkk__eJIrDQE_

In this webinar recording , you will know how to: 

  • How to access your Zoom cloud recording? 

    • Zoom LTI 

      • How to access the recording via the Zoom LTI tool 

      • How to download the recording via the Zoom LTI Tool 

      • Upload the recording in your Kaltura My Media 

      • How to embed the recording in your Blackboard course 

    • Zoom Web Portal (8:48) 

      • Show how to access the recording via the Web Portal  

      • How to access your Recording settings 

      • How to download the recording via the Web Portal 

      • Upload the recording in your Kaltura My Media 

      • How to embed the recording in your Blackboard course 



Article ID: 130453
Wed 3/17/21 10:43 AM
Fri 6/18/21 1:20 PM