Zoom: Polling: Support/Training Material


This article will cover videos and additional training material on Zoom Polling topics.


This article will cover videos and additional training material on the below Zoom Polling topics:

  • Polling Participants in a Zoom Meeting (VIDEO)
  • How to Create and Deploy Pre-Define Polls via Zoom LTI Tool (VIDEO)
  • How to Create and Deploy Pre-Define Polls via Web Portal (VIDEO)
  • How to Access Your Zoom Polling Results (VIDEO)
  • How to Edit Existing Zoom Poll Questions (VIDEO)

Polling Participants in a Zoom Meeting 

This video will cover the following topic: 

  • How to ask polling questions on the fly within a Zoom meeting? 
  • How you can add polling questions before the Zoom meeting starts? 

Article - https://emailric-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/g/personal/sbadger_ric_edu/EXmsSLtdYKZDo8bjIw4kLgMBhF7973GfugU8X7kp45Pw0w?e=Kyk4T9  

How to Create and Deploy Pre-Define Polls via Zoom LTI Tool 

This video will cover the following topics: 

  • How to download the poll template file 
  • How to add your poll questions and possible answers 
  • How to import the poll csv file 
  • How to bring up one of your polls within your Zoom meeting 
  • How to share poll results with the participants 
  • How to re-launch the poll 

How to Create and Deploy Pre-Define Polls via Web Portal 

This video will cover the following topics: 

  • How to access the Poll section for an existing Zoom meeting 
  • How to add your poll questions and possible answers 
  • How to make the poll anonymous 
  • How to bring up one of your polls within your Zoom meeting 
  • How to share poll results with the participants 
  • How to re-launch the poll 

How to Access Your Zoom Polling Results 

This video will cover the following topic: 

  • How to access your Zoom polling results after the meeting is over? 
  • How to download the polling results? 

​​​​​​​How to Edit Existing Zoom Poll Questions


This video will cover the following topics:

  • How to edit existing polls associated to a particular Zoom meeting
  • How to make the existing poll anonymous




Article ID: 133210
Fri 6/11/21 2:08 PM
Wed 10/20/21 11:20 AM