Kaltura: Mashup Tool fails in Google Chrome


The release of Google Chrome Version 90.0.4430.85 and higher has introduced a bug in the Kaltura Media Mashup Tool…



Kaltura offers a feature to embed video in the Blackboard Content Editor. You can reach the Content Editor by going to the Build Content > Create Item menu item. Here you will find the Add Content tool…

Blackboard - Add Content tool


The Problem

After the release of browsers based on Chrome 90 and higher invoking the Kaltura Mashup tool will apparently cause the browser to log out of your Blackboard account. Please view the following video to see how the error manifests …


The Solution

At the time of this writing there is no known fix for this problem. The work around is to use a browser not based on the Google’s Chromium Engine i.e. Microsoft Edge, Brave, Opera and others.

Web browsers not based on the Chromium Engine would include Apple’s Safari (macOS only) and Mozilla Firefox.




Article ID: 133246
Sat 6/12/21 8:18 PM
Fri 10/6/23 1:54 PM