Setting your password


This article is the step-by-step guide to set your initial RIC ID password.



This article will provide you with the instructions to set your initial RIC ID Password via our Self-Service Password Reset (SSPR). 
In order to complete the password reset you need to identify yourself. This is done by sending an authentication code to your:

  • Mobile phone number
  • Personal email address or high school email address (*)

We used the number and address you provided as part of your application. If you did not provide either or both, please the section “What to do if you are missing authentication methods”.

(*) we recommend that you use a personal email address as this expedites resetting your RIC ID password in the future.

PLEASE NOTE: Self Service Password Reset utilizes Microsoft 365 authentication services that are linked to your RIC Microsoft Account and RIC ID.  Due to the method that the Microsoft 365 web site saves your credentials after you login, you may find that you do not receive a login page when going to the RIC-Branded website link used for logging into Microsoft 365 services.  This also may occur if you are signed into Microsoft 365 services through a different school, business, or personal account.  If either of these situations occur, please sign-out of Microsoft 365 in the web browser you are using to attempt your password reset.  Alternatively, you can try a Private Browsing or Incognito web browser window, which will provide a "clean" browsing session to access RIC's Microsoft 365 services with.

The step-by-step password reset instructions



Screenshot 1



  • Click the Forgot my password link

Screenshot 2



  • Enter the characters in the (Captcha) picture in the field below it
    Note: to the right of the Captcha picture you have the options to listen to the audio of the represented code and to pick a new code
  • Click on Next

Screenshot 3


If you now get to the “We’re sorry” page it means that we did not have your a personal email address and/or mobile number required to set your initial password.

Please the section “What to do if you are missing authentication methods”.

Else continue with Step 4

Screenshot 4



  • In verification step 1 you can pick one of your registered authentication methods. Your personal email address is the first.
    NOTE: verify that you have access to the registered email address (green box in the screenshot to the right)
  • If you have access to this mailbox click Email
  • If you do NOT have access to this email address, please the section “What to do if you are missing authentication methods”.

Screenshot 5



  • You will receive an email on your registered personal email address with a verification code, similar to the one in the screenshot to the right

Screenshot 6


  • Enter the verification code in the appropriate field
  • Click Next

Screenshot 7



  • In verification step 2 you can choose between receiving a text message or a phone call
  • In both options you will need to enter the ten (10) digits of your mobile number ending with the listed two (2) digits (green box in the screenshot)
    Example format: +1 4011234567
  • In the case you opt for a text message, click Text
  • In the case of the phone call, click Call

Screenshot 8


  • In the case of a text message, you will receive text message similar like shown in the screenshot to the right
  • In the case of a phone call, you will receive a call with a recorded message prompting you to press a key on your phone's keypad

Screenshot 9


  • You enter the code in the message in the appropriate field and click Next

Screenshot 10



  • In this last step, you pick a password that meets the requirements listed below.
  • If the password does not meet these requirements you will get the error message “Unfortunately, your password contains a word, phrase, or pattern that makes it easily guessable. Please try again with a different password.”


Password Requirements

  • must contain at least 2 special characters (e.g., !, $, #, %)
  • must contain at least 2 digits,
  • must contain at least 2 upper case letters,
  • must contain at least 2 lower case letters
  • must be a minimum of 10 positions in length.
  • cannot be a word or contain any part of your name
  • special characters cannot be at the beginning or end of the password

Screenshot 11


  • When you have successfully reset the password, you RIC ID Account is ready for use
  • To sign in to MyRIC, go to
  • If you want to sign in to Microsoft 365, you can click on “click here

Screenshot 12

What to do if you are missing authentication methods?

If we do not have your current mobile number and personal email address yet, we were not able to complete your Self-Service Password Reset (SSPR) registration. The quickest way is to send an email from your personal email, to

Write in the subject line: Password Reset Information

Include in the body of your email:

  • Your full name
  • RIC Student number
  • RIC ID name
  • Date of Birth
  • Current mobile number
  • Current personal email address

As soon as we verified your identity, we will complete your SSPR registration and will let you know by email.

What if you do not have a personal email address

Not a problem. You can send us an email from another email address with the information listed above and include “Do not have personal email address”. 
We will contact you and work with you to allow you to reset your password.

What if you do not have a mobile phone number

In order to be able to sign in to Mirosoft 365, we require at least one Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) method approved by Microsoft. The mobile phone is the most available one.
If you do not have access to a mobile phone, please contact the ITS Help Center at or (401) 456-8803




Article ID: 147239
Sun 10/16/22 8:43 AM
Wed 4/26/23 11:40 PM