Refer to Assignment Inline Grading and Grade Assignments with Flex Grading for more information
This article is divided into three sections:
Step 1: Accessing Student Submissions
Step 2: Grading Window
Step 3: Posting Grades
Step 1: Accessing Student Submissions
You may choose to begin grading an assignment from one of four locations. Select one to begin:
Activity Stream
1. Click "Activity Stream" in the Universal Base Navigation (UBN) pane on the left. Select the assignment that needs grading in the stream (Continue to Step 2: Grading Window below)
1. Click "Grades" in the Universal Base Navigation (UBN) pane on the left and select the assignment that needs grading in the course list (Continue to Step 2: Grading Window below)
Course Gradebook
1. Within your course, click the Gradebook tab and select the assignment that needs grading in the assignment list (Continue to Step 2: Grading Window below)
Assignment Page
Open the assignment. Select the "Submissions" tab and click the name of the student whose submission you would like to grade. (Continue to Step 2: Grading Window below)
Step 2: Grading Window
In the grading window, you can utilize the annotation toolbar to underline, highlight, and leave comments directly in a student's submission:
You may also click the arrow to the right of the student's submission to access the Originality Report, Overall Feedback, and Grading Rubric tools:
Note: When leaving comments in the Overall Feedback box, be sure to click "Save Changes" before exiting the window:
If you included a rubric for the assignment, you can select a score underneath each criterion. Note: If the assignment is set up to post grades automatically, students will be able to see their score when you make selections from the rubric (see below). You can also leave comments for specific areas of the rubric by clicking the "Add feedback" button next to each criterion:
To access different attempts from the same student, click the attempt listed below the student's name and select the attempt you would like to grade:
Step 3: Posting Grades
Note: Be sure to enter the score for the student's submission in the grade pill next to their name and attempt. The grade pill next to "Final Grade" in the top right is designed for overriding assignment scores, and entering a score here will not give a grade to individual attempts.
If the assignment is set up to post grades automatically, students will be able to see their score as soon as it is typed into the grade pill. If you did not set up the assignment to post grades automatically, students will not see their grades until you post them. To post a student's grade, click the ellipsis to the right of "Final Grade" and select "Post grade":
To post grades for all submissions at once, navigate to the "Submissions" tab in the assignment window and click "Post all grades" above the list of student submissions: