Watch the how-to video

Refer to Release Content for more information.
1. From the Course Content page, click the visibility options underneath the title of the test and select “Release Conditions” from the dropdown menu:

2. Under “Select Members”, specify whether you would like to limit access for all course members or specific members/groups:

3. Under “Set additional conditions”, click “Date/Time” to set date restrictions for test availability:

4. Click “Show on” and/or “Hide after” to edit the dates and times according to your preferences:

5. Below “When will content appear?” you have the option to show or hide the test in your content list outside of the window of dates you set above. If you select “Show”, the test will appear in your course content prior to the release date, but students will not be able to access it. If you select “Hide”, the test will not be visible until the release date:

6. Click “Save” at the bottom of the Release Conditions panel:

7. To edit the Release Conditions after you set them, click the blue “Date/Time” link below the test on the Course Content page: