Ultra - Creating a New Grade Category


When you create a gradable item, it automatically appears in the gradebook and is associated with the appropriate category. You can use categories when you create calculated items, such as an assignments average. You can create new categories to customize how coursework is grouped in your course. You can use custom categories when you set up the overall grade.


Watch the how-to video

Refer to Grade Category for more information

In the top navigation, click Gradebook.

Click the gear icon.

Scroll down to the Grade Categories section, click Add New Category.

Enter a name for you new grade category and then press Enter key on your keyboard.

Now the new grade category has been added to the list which you will be able to link to any of your gradable items.




Article ID: 155019
Tue 10/17/23 1:57 PM
Thu 11/30/23 1:17 PM