Ultra - Applying Customized Grade Categories to Gradable Items


When you create a gradable item, it automatically appears in the gradebook and is associated with the appropriate category. You can create new categories to customize how coursework is grouped in your course. You can use custom categories when you set up the overall grade. This article will show you how to apply customized grade category to existing gradable items in the Gradebook.


Watch the how-to video

Refer to Navigating Grading for more information

1. Navigate to the course grade book:

gradebook tab

2. Enable grid view:

grid view

3. Click the icon in the gradable item’s column header and select “Edit” from the dropdown menu:

edit item

4. Click the “Assignment” link under “Grade Category”:

assignment link

5. The Assignment Settings panel will appear. Under “Grade category”, select the customized grade category from the dropdown menu:

6. Click “Save” at the bottom:

save button



Article ID: 155041
Wed 10/18/23 12:31 PM
Thu 12/7/23 2:43 PM