Ultra - Accessing/Modifying the Grade Schema


This article will show instructors how to access and modify their course's grade schema.


Watch the how-to video

Refer to Grading Schemas for more information.

This article is split into three sections:

Accessing the Grade Schema

Modifying an Existing Schema

Creating a New Grade Schema

Accessing the Grade Schema

1. Navigate to the course Gradebook:

gradebook tab

2. In list view or grade view, click the settings gear icon to the right:

settings gear icon

3. Below Grade Schemas, click the blue “Manage Grade Schemas” link:

manage grade schema button

Modifying an Existing Grade Schema

Note: Click “Save” in the bottom right corner after making any of the following edits to apply them to the grade schema.

To add a grade to an existing schema, hover over the row where you would like to add the grade and click the purple plus sign:

purple plus sign

Enter a grade name and specify the grade range percentage. Click out of the row to save your entry:

enter grade information

To copy or delete an entire schema, click the ellipsis in the top right corner and select “Copy” or “Delete” from the dropdown menu:

ellipsis copy or delete

To edit or delete an existing grade within a schema, click the corresponding ellipsis in the “Grade Range %” column and select “Edit” or “Delete” from the dropdown menu:

ellipsis edit or delete

Creating a New Grade Schema

1. Click “Add” next to “Grade Schemas” on the left:

add new grade schema

2. Enter a name for the grade schema in the popup window and click “Add”:

name schema

3. Hover over the line between “A” and “F” and click the purple plus icon to begin adding new grades to the schema:

plus sign

4. Enter a grade name and specify the grade range percentage. Click out of the row to save your entry:

enter grade information

5. Click “Save” in the bottom right corner:

save button



Article ID: 155130
Tue 10/24/23 1:36 PM
Thu 11/30/23 1:19 PM