You can add calculations based on the average, total, maximum, or minimum of the variables you include, such as categories, graded items, and other calculations. For example, add a calculation that displays the average of all assignments so students have an overall picture of their performance. You can add as many calculations as you need. This article will show you how to add the average calculation for a group of gradable items.
Refer to Calculate Grades for more information.
1. Navigate to the course Gradebook:
2. In list view or grid view, hover over the row or column where you would like to add the calculation and click the purple plus sign:
3. Select “Add Calculation” from the dropdown menu:
4. Enter a title for your calculation at the top of the window:
5. Select the type of grade schema (Letter, Points, Percentage, Complete/Incomplete) you would like to use for the calculation from the dropdown menu below the title:
6. Below “Functions and Variables”, click “Average”:
7. Hover over “AVG ( )” in the calculation box to the right and click the down arrow:
8. Select the categories and/or individual gradable items you would like to include in the average from the dropdown menu. You may need to scroll down to view all items:
9. By default, the calculation will be hidden from students in the gradebook. You may edit the visibility settings in the dropdown menu in the top right corner:
10. Click “Save” in the bottom right:
11. The average calculation will now appear as a row or column in your gradebook: