Ultra - Adding the Course Schedule


This article will show you how to edit the course schedule.


Watch the how-to video

Refer to Add or edit a course schedule for more information.

1. Navigate to the course Calendar tab:
calendar tab

2. Click the plus icon to the right and select “Edit Course Schedule” from the dropdown menu:

edit course schedule selection

3. Click the plus icon in the Schedule panel:

add course schedule plus sign

4. Optionally, edit the title that will appear on the calendar for all course members under “Nickname”:

nickname entry

5. Set the start date of the course along with the meeting times (the end date will populate based on your selection in Step 6):

course meeting frequency

6. Set the frequency of the schedule and select the days of the week that the course meets (the calendar will automatically select the day of the week that corresponds to the start date you set in Step 5):

frequency and days of the week

7. Specify whether you would like the calendar event to end after a set number of occurrences or on a specific date. Edit your selection accordingly:

end date selection

8. Enter the meeting location:

meeting location

9. Click “Save” to add the schedule to the calendar for all course members:

save and cancel buttons

10. You may access and edit your selections below Details & Actions on the course Content page:

access and edit course schedule



Article ID: 155544
Tue 11/14/23 9:34 AM
Thu 11/30/23 1:20 PM