Ultra - Filtering Submissions by the Needs Grading Status


This article will show you how you can see which submissions for a particular assignment or test that still need to be graded.


Watch the how-to video

Refer to Navigating Grading: Filter the Gradebook for more information.

1. Click on Gradebook.

2. Make sure that List View is selected along with Gradable Items.

3. Optional - If you want to sort all of the items to the top, which contain submissions that need to be graded, you can click the Grade Status header.

4. Click the # to grade to the right of the assignment or test.

5. The Needs Grading filter status will automatically be selected, which is filtering out all of the submissions that have already been graded ,which leaves the submissions that still need to be graded. 

6. Optional - If want to see all the students submissions, including the graded submissions, then click the down arrow and select All Grading Statues



Article ID: 158284
Mon 4/8/24 9:35 AM
Fri 12/13/24 11:01 AM