Converting Folders to Learning Modules and Learning Modules to Folders


Article that shows how to convert folders to learning modules and learning modules to folders. Images are included for reference.


Instructors can now change a folder to a learning module or a learning module to a folder.

Benefits of changing a folder to a learning module include: 

  • Thumbnail Images: Learning modules come with thumbnail images, which provide a visually appealing course experience. 
  • Forced Sequencing: Instructors can force students to navigate learning modules in linear paths so they cannot move on to the next module without finishing the tasks in the previous module.
  • Progress Bar: Learning modules have a progress bar for students that highlights the number of items that they need to complete and their progression on those items. 
  • Previous and Next Navigation: Students can quickly navigate to the next or previous item in a learning module. 

1. To convert a Folder to a module click on the three dots to the right of the screen then click on "Change to Learning Module".

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

2. Once you do this you will be asked to confirm the conversion. Once you confirm, your folder and all of its contents will be converted to a learning module. 

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

Learning modules with appear in the example below until an image is added. How to add an image to a learning module can be found here.

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)


Converting from a Learning Module to a Folder:

Keep in mind that when you convert a learning module to a folder you will lose some features specific to learning modules.

1. Click on the 3 dots to the right of the learning module and choose "Change to Folder."

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

2. Please be aware converting from a learning module to a folder will remove the following features:

  • Thumbnail Image
  • Forced Sequencing
  • Progress Bar
  • Previous and Next Navigation

3. Once you click on "change to folder," you will be asked to confirm the change. You will also receive a warning about the features that will be lost with this conversion. Next, click on "Continue."

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

4. Your module will now appear as a folder. 

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)



Article ID: 164184
Fri 1/31/25 3:11 PM
Fri 2/14/25 11:37 AM