How to change the major for a student?


This article guides you through the process of changing a student's major.


This article illustrates the process to change a student major in Campus Solutions

Upon logging into the RIC Portal, choose the Administrative Systems Homepage and click on Campus Solutions

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)Click on the Nav (Navigation) Bar on the far right of the Campus Solutions windows, then click on Menu

Navigate to RIC Custom Applications > RIC Academic Department > Change Major Request Form

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)Enter search criteria for a student by using EMPLID, Last/First Name, SSN (national ID). Click Search. The Change Student Major Form page will display the student’s current majors and minors (if any).

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)Select an action:
• Add a Major = this action allows you to add an additional major to the selected student
• Change a Major = this action allows you to change a student’s current major to another major
• Advisor Change Only = this action allows you to replace a student’s current advisor or to add an advisor without making any changes to their majors or minors. A Replace Current Advisors or Add a new Advisor section will appear.
• Add a Minor = this action allows you to add a minor to the selected student
• Change a Minor= this action allows you to change a student’s minor to another minor

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)When you select an action to add or change a major or minor you will see a message to help guide you:

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)Click OK. Then select the plan that you are changing by checking the box for that plan under the Select plan for Change column.

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)Once a check box is selected or if you are adding a major or minor, next click the + (add a row) in the ‘Requested Changes’ section

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)Using the magnifying glass icon, select a new academic program (school)*, new academic plan, and new academic sub-plan (if required).
The new plan advisor is required for majors and will automatically default to the current department chair/director. You can change the advisor by using the magnifying glass. A new plan advisor is optional for minors. There is no default advisor for minors.
The example below shows the new program (school) as UGA&S, the new academic plan is BIOLOGY-BS, no sub-plan entered, and the advisor defaulted to the current Biology chair identified in the system. The action indicates this is replacing another major by EHALL (requester) at this day/time.

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)*Note – if the new academic program (school) is different from the student’s current program (school), you will receive a message informing you that this request will require further review by the Records office. If you chose to continue, click OK and the button label will change to Email Request instead of Process Request.

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)Once you are ready, click the Process Request button. You will get this message:

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)The message reads:
Click OK to process your request. (20000,186)
An automated email will be sent to the student and department chairs informing them of the change of major/minor. Please wait for the process to complete. You will know it is complete when the Process Request button has turned gray.
When you click OK, it is very important to wait for the process to complete. The process will automatically change the student’s records. In addition, a confirmation email will be sent to the student with the following individuals on copy: requester, new major department chair, new plan advisor, student, old major department chair (if applicable), and old advisor (if applicable). The email will indicate what change took place for the student. When complete, the page will become read-only and the Process Request button will turn gray.

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

You can see the changes by going to the following pages and searching for the student by EMPLID or name.
For major and minor changes go to: Records and Enrollment > Career and Program Information >Student Program/Plan
For advisor changes go to: Records and Enrollment > Student Background Information > Student Advisor

Please contact Management Information Services at or by calling 456-9873 should you have any question



Article ID: 65254
Mon 10/15/18 4:31 PM
Fri 3/8/24 10:10 AM