MFA@RIC Pilot: Protect against account take-overs


With over 90% of all data breaches starting with a phishing email, protecting our Office 365 email accounts from being compromised is a top priority. Even with a lost or stolen password, access to your email is extremely difficult when your account has Multi-Factor Authentication enabled.




This Office 365 Multi-Factor Authentication pilot is intended to emphasize the importance of being effective in protecting our Office 365 accounts and the applications that the account gives access to. Learn how MFA does not have to be complicated and protects your cyber identity. Not only at work, but also in our personal lives.

The numbers are clear. The Chegg Data Breach of April 2018 exposed 40 million customers, including about 2,500 RIC students/faculty. Of those 160 RIC accounts were compromised (since Friday September 13, 2019).

You can learn about Office 365 MFA in this Knowledge Base Article.

This is what you need to know about this pilot:

  • The pilot is limited to 50 participants. Information Technology Services (ITS) wants to ensure to respond quickly on any question or issue. Rolling out MFA is a learning experience for all involved 
  • Intended to improve the roll-out of MFA. ITS needs your experience to ensure hat the roll-out procedure and documentation is the most effective and transparent
  • You get 2 weeks to complete the MFA registration. ITS understands that time and place may not be optimal to complete the registration
  • No restrictions to the email app you are using. During the pilot we will not prevent you from using email apps that do not support MFA. We encourage you to try apps that do support MFA, to maximize its effectiveness
  • You can always opt out of the pilot. ITS understands that you may find yourself in a situation that prevents you from continuing participation gin the pilot. We will work with you to overcome any challenges, but the pilot is voluntary
  • The pilot ends 1 month after all participants are fully registered. You will keep MFA after the pilot ends. You experience and feedback  will be used to plan for the MFA roll-out to the broader RIC community.
  • Participation comes with a benefits:
    • after you complete the full registration, ITS will disable the period password change for your account
    • password changes will take effect immediately. No longer a 20 minutes wait time.
    • extra protection from attacks and a new Security portal to track the access to your account


Interested in participating in the MFA@RIC Pilot? Just Opt In!

Click on the following email link, send the email and we will include you:  Joining the "Office 365 MFA@RIC Pilot





Article ID: 88470
Fri 10/4/19 8:59 AM
Sun 10/20/19 1:54 PM