Google Drive: How to add a file that someone has shared with you to your My Drive


When someone shares a file within their Google Drive with you, you will find that file in the Shared with me. All files within the Shared with me are organized by the date they were shared with you. You can't reorganize the files and folders in the Shared with me. This article will show you how you can add file and/or folder from your Shared with me over to your Google Drive.


1. Go into our Google Drive.

2. Click on "Shared with me".

3. Right-click the file and select "Add to My Drive". 

4. Click on "My Drive" and you should see the file. 

Note: You now have the ability to place that file in any existing or new folder within your Google Drive to be more organized. 



Article ID: 99486
Fri 2/28/20 10:00 AM
Wed 3/17/21 12:26 PM