Google Workspace: Use “Get Shareable Link” to Provide File Access with Read Only Permissions


This article will show you how to generate a shareable link for a particular document with view-only permissions which is currently stored in your RIC Google Workspace Drive.


If any of your students don’t have a RIC Google Workspace account, then you’ll need to set the link sharing option to “On – Anyone with this link” can view and not to the default “Anyone at Rhode Island College with this link” can view. If you use the default option, only students with a RIC Google Workspace account will have permission to access the file. If a student does not have a RIC Google Workspace account and is using a personal Google account, they will not be able to open the file.

1. Right-click the document and select “Get shareable link”.

2.  Turn on “Link sharing”.

3. Click “Sharing settings”.

4. Click the down arrow and then click “More”.

5. Turn on “On – Anyone with the link”.

6. Click “Copy Link”.

7. Once the link has been copied, you can provide your students access to the link by doing one of the following options:

a. Email the link to your students.

b. Go into your Blackboard course, use the Web Link option to paste in the link.




Article ID: 99780
Tue 3/3/20 11:03 AM
Wed 9/15/21 2:57 PM