Login Procedures

Tags Blackboard

There are two ways to access your Blackboard account.

Option A - Via MyRIC

Option B - Via blackboard.ric.edu

Option C - Blackboard Learn Mobile App

Option A

1. In your browser, go to www.ric.edu.

2. Click “MyRIC”.

3. Ener in your ID and password. (Note: Use your network username and password to log into Blackboard. If you have any issues logging into your Blackboard account, please contact the Help Desk at helpdesk@ric.edu or (401) 456-8803).

4. Click “Login”.

For Faculty

A. Click the down arrow and select “RIC Faculty Homepage”.

B. Click “Blackboard”.

C. You are now logged into your Blackboard account.

NOTE: If you are working on a new computer or in a new web browser where you are not logged in with your RIC M365 account, after you have logged into your MY RIC account and clicked on the Blackboard icon, you will be prompted to log in to your RIC M365 account with two-factor authentication.

1. Enter in your RIC M365 email address and then click Next

2. Enter in your RIC M365 password and then click Sign In.

3. You will be prompted with your second factor authentication. Once you have completed the second factor authentication, you will redirected to your Blackboard account. 

For Students

A. Click the down arrow and select “RIC Student Homepage”.

B. Click “Blackboard”.

C. You are now logged into your Blackboard account.

NOTE: If you are working on a new computer or in a new web browser where you are not logged into that computer with your RIC M365 account, after you have logged into your MY RIC account and clicked on the Blackboard icon, you will be prompted to log in to your RIC M365 account with two-factor authentication.

1. Enter in your RIC M365 email address and then click Next

2. Enter in your RIC M365 password and then click Sign In.

3. You will be prompted with your second factor authentication. Once you have completed the second factor authentication, you will redirected to your Blackboard account. 

Option B
1. In your browser, go to https://blackboard.ric.edu.

2. Click the RIC SSO Login button.

3. Enter in your RIC M365 email address and then click Next

4. Enter in your RIC M365 password and then click Sign In.

5. You will be prompted with your second factor authentication. Once you have completed the second factor authentication, you will redirected to your Blackboard account. 

Option C - Mobile App

1. Open the Blackboard Learn app on your device

2. Type in Rhode Island College and select Rhode Island College from the drop-down menu.

3. Click Continue with Web-Login

4. Click the RIC SSO Login button

5. Enter in your RIC M365 email address and then click Next.

6. Enter in your RIC M365 password and then click Sign In.

7. You will be prompted with your second factor authentication. Once you have completed the second factor authentication, you will redirected to your Blackboard account within the app. 

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Article ID: 133472
Mon 6/21/21 7:16 AM
Thu 5/23/24 10:05 AM