This Blackboard category covers everyday requests that could processed by the end user to update their own courses using a self-service approach.

Articles (130)

Add Audio Recording to Each of Your PowerPoint Slides

This article will show you how to add an audio recording to each of your slides, save your PowerPoint as a video and then upload it to your Kaltura My Media.

Blackboard Ally and Making your Documents Accessible

This article covers accessibility within Blackboard.

Blackboard: Student FAQs

This article will address common Blackboard student questions.

Getting Started with the Ultra Base Navigation for RIC Students

This video will show you how to move throughout the Ultra Base Navigation.

Hide and Show Course and Favorite Course

This article will show you how to hide and show your course located on the Courses page along with adding your course(s) to the Favorite section.

Login Procedures

This article will show you how to log into Blackboard.

Preparing Students for Distance Learning

This article gives students access to training material on Blackboard and Zoom.

Publishing a Respondus Test into a Blackboard Course

This article will show you how to publish your Respondus test/quiz to your Blackboard course.

Setting up Pearson My Lab/Mastering LTI Integration within your Blackboard Course

Setting up Pearson My Lab/Mastering Integration within your Blackboard Course

Ultra - A Quick Start for Blackboard Ultra Learn

This article will provide you with a quick start in learning Blackboard Ultra Learn and start building your cours.

Ultra - Accessing a Gradebook Columns Statistics

This article will show you how to access a Gradebook column's statistics to gain insight about a student's overall performance on graded content.

Ultra - Accessing Student Preview

This article will show you how to access the Student Preview and exit Student Preview.

Ultra - Accessing Student Progress

This article will show you how to access your student progress within the course by using the Student Progress Tab and the Student Progress Report for course content. The Student Progress tab helps you track individual student progress in a course. You can see completed and uncompleted tasks for each student.

Ultra - Accessing/Modifying the Grade Schema

This article will show instructors how to access and modify their course's grade schema.

Ultra - Add a Learning Module

This article will show you how to add a new learning module in your Blackboard Ultra Learn course.

Ultra - Add Another Instructor to Your Academic Course

This article will show you how you can add a user to your Blackboard course.

Ultra - Adding a Course Banner

This article will show you how to add a course banner image.

Ultra - Adding a Course Link

This article will show you how to add a course link within your course.

Ultra - Adding a Document page

This article will show you how create a Document page which you will be able to add text, audio, video, files, and images. While you can build your content primarily using uploaded files, the Ultra Course View includes a new Document page, that allows you to build complex pages with a mix of text, images, videos, and files. Documents are optimized for mobile devices, so you and your students can access them directly from a smartphone browser.

Ultra - Adding a File via Upload

This article will show you how to add content in different locations within your Blackboard Ultra course using the Upload option.

Ultra - Adding a Folder

This article will show you how to add a new folder in your Blackboard Ultra Learn course.

Ultra - Adding a Manual Gradable Item (Column)

This article will show you how to add in a manual gradable item (column) to the the gradebook. A manual gradable item will be associated to an assessment that your students are not taking within your Blackboard course. (I.e. In-person paper mid-term exam)

Ultra - Adding a Recording to an Announcement

This article will show you how you can add a recording to an announcement.

Ultra - Adding a Response to a Discussion

This video will show students how to post their response to a discussion and reply to a fellow student's response.

Ultra - Adding a Tool to the Course Content Page

This article will show you how to add a course & institution tools to the Course Content page.

Ultra - Adding an Auto-Generate Discussion

This article will show you how to create a discussion via the auto-generate AI design option.

Ultra – Adding an Entry to a Journal

This article will show students how to add a response in a journal.

Ultra - Adding Different Types of Questions to a Test

This article will show you how to add different types of questions to your test within a Blackboard Ultra course.

Ultra - Adding Gradebook Calculations: Average

You can add calculations based on the average, total, maximum, or minimum of the variables you include, such as categories, graded items, and other calculations. For example, add a calculation that displays the average of all assignments so students have an overall picture of their performance. You can add as many calculations as you need. This article will show you how to add the average calculation for a group of gradable items.

Ultra - Adding Learning Modules via AI Auto-Generate Modules

This article will show you how you can use the AI design assistant to auto-generate learning modules.

Ultra - Adding Question Pools

When you create an assessment in the Ultra Course View, you can use question pools to be sure each student receives a different version of the assessment. This article will show you how to add a question pool.

Ultra - Adding the Course Schedule

This article will show you how to edit the course schedule.

Ultra - Adding the Zoom LTI Tool to the Course Content Page

This article will show you how to add the Zoom LTI tool to the Course Content page.

Ultra - AI Design Assistant - Creating a Test from Existing Course Content

The AI Design Assistant offers inspiration and efficiency when generating test questions. Instructors can now select course items to help define questions. This option improves the alignment of generated questions to course content. This article will show how to create a test from existing course content using the AI Design Assistant.

Ultra - Allow students to see just their test score

This article will show you how to setup your test, so that your students will only have access to the test score once they have complete taking the test.

Ultra - Applying Customized Grade Categories to Gradable Items

When you create a gradable item, it automatically appears in the gradebook and is associated with the appropriate category. You can create new categories to customize how coursework is grouped in your course. You can use custom categories when you set up the overall grade. This article will show you how to apply customized grade category to existing gradable items in the Gradebook.

Ultra - Archiving Your Course

This article will show you how to archive your Blackboard Ultra course.

Ultra - Assigning Automatic Zeros to Missing Work Past the Due Date

You can choose to automatically assign zeros to missing work past the due date. Students and groups can still submit work after an automatic zero is assigned. Then, you can grade as normal. This article will show you how to enable automatic zeros for past due work.

Ultra - Associating a Rubric with Assignment

This article will show you how to associate an existing rubric with an assignment.

Ultra - Associating a Rubric with Assignments, Tests, or Discussions

This article will show you how to associate a rubric with assignments, tests, or discussions.

Ultra - Attaching a OneDrive File via Link

This article will show you how to link a OneDrive file in your Blackboard Ultra course.

Ultra - Batch Edit in Ultra Course View

In the Ultra Course View, you can use Batch Edit to update common settings across all content. Batch Edit lets you control content settings in one place and all at once to save you time managing your course.

Ultra - Bb Annotate

This article will show you how to use the Bb Annotation features to provide feedback to students' submissions.

Ultra - Blackboard Ally Access Alternative Formats

Many classrooms today, both physical and digital, are integrated with students with diverse needs. Alternative formats provide greater opportunity for everyone to access the information they need in the way they need or want it.

With alternative formats all students can meet the same learning objectives using resources that are built to target the needs of the individual student. For example, Anthology Ally creates audio and electronic braille alternatives for students with visual impairment

Ultra - Blackboard Ally WYSIWIG Accessibility

Get real-time feedback from Ally in your course content editor. Open your course WYSIWYG content editor to see the Ally score indicator. As you create content, the Ally score updates in real-time. Select the score to learn more about the issues and follow step-by-step guidance on how to fix them

Ultra - Building a Document page

This article will show you how to create you can create a document page to present a combination of content. For example, you can include introductory text for a lesson, an audio file of a lecture, and an image. When students select the document title, the materials you added are all presented together on one page. Students see the content just as you see it, without the editing options.

Ultra - Change Assessments Due Date and/or Time all at once

This article will show you how you can change the Due date and/or time for multiple assessments all at once.

Ultra - Collecting Submissions Offline

you can create assessments that appear on the Course Content page but don't require students to upload submissions. You can add instructions, files, a rubric, and goals so students can prepare for the offline work. This article will who you how to create this type of assessment.

Ultra - Copying a Test from another Course

This article will show you how to copy a test from another course into your current course.

Ultra - Copying Content from another Course

This article will show you how to copy content from another course.

Ultra – Copying Kaltura Videos that were Uploaded via the Kaltura Media tool in Original to Ultra

This article will show you how to copy Kaltura videos that were uploaded via the Kaltura Media tool in Original to Ultra.

Ultra – Create/Deploy Form (Survey)

This article will show you how you can create and deploy a survey in your Blackboard Ultra course.

Ultra - Creating a Custom Group Set

This article will show you how to create a custom new group set, add groups and add students to the groups.

Ultra - Creating a Discussion

This article will show you how you can add a new discussion on the Course Content page and Discussion page.

Ultra - Creating a Group Assignment

This article will show you how to create a group assignment in a Blackboard Ultra course. You can use group assignments to teach students how to effectively work in teams. This type of assignment helps students realize that each team member can contribute something useful to solving a problem and that the group's result can be more than the sum of its parts. Students demonstrate their knowledge while learning to appreciate the perspective of others.

Ultra - Creating a Journal

This article will show you how to create a journal in your Blackboard course.

Ultra - Creating a Multi Prompted Discussion

This article will show you how to create a multi prompted structure discussion. A multi prompted structure discussion is where you as the instructor will add in the topics as responses which your students will be replying to depending on the discussion's instructions. You can also use a multi prompt structure discussion for a debate where you as the instructor add in the two responses outlining the two sides of the debate and then the students will reply to one of the debate's response side.

Ultra - Creating a New Grade Category

When you create a gradable item, it automatically appears in the gradebook and is associated with the appropriate category. You can use categories when you create calculated items, such as an assignments average. You can create new categories to customize how coursework is grouped in your course. You can use custom categories when you set up the overall grade.

Ultra - Creating a Peer Review Assignment

This article will show you how to create and deploy a peer review assignments in your Blackboard Ultra course. Peer assessment is a common resource that allows students to review their peers’ work through criteria-based evaluation. It’s simple for instructors and students to use.

Ultra - Creating a Randomly Assign Group Set

This article will show you how to create a new group where students are randomly assigned to a group.

Ultra - Creating a Recurring Zoom Meeting within the Zoom LTI Tool

This article will show you how to create a recurring Zoom meeting within the Zoom LTI tool.

Ultra - Creating a Rubric

This article will show you how to create a rubric which can be associated to assessments such as assignments, discussions, and test questions.

Ultra - Creating a Single Prompted Structure Discussion

This article will show you how to create a single prompt structured discussion.

Ultra - Creating a Test

This article will show you how to create a test in your Blackboard Ultra course. You can use tests measure student knowledge, gauge progress, and gather information from students.

Ultra - Creating an Announcement

Both items and categories can have weight in the overall grade calculation. This allows instructors to weight high stakes assessments while also weighting categories.

Instructors may unlink items from categories to assign weight at the item level. Unlinked items appear ahead of the related category. An instructor may specify the weight and lock it to prevent further changes to the weight. Locking is helpful because the weights auto-adjust to ensure that the weighted calculation sums to 100%.

Ultra - Creating an Assignment

This article will show you how to create and deploy an assignment in your Blackboard Ultra course.

Ultra - Delete out Unused Course Files

You can easily locate and delete unused course files in your course. This article will show you how to delete unused course files.

Ultra - Disabling Automatic Zeros

This article will show you how to disable automatic zeros for work past the due date.

Ultra - Discussion Analysis

This article will help you understand in accessing and interpreting the discussion analytic data.

Ultra - Download Assessment Submission

This article will show you how to download submissions associated to a particular assignment or test. From the gradebook, you can download files and text students add to their assessment submissions and review them offline.

Ultra - Download Test Results

This article will show you how to download the test results.

Ultra - Downloading the Gradebook

This article will show you how to download your Gradebook to work offline.

Ultra - Duplicate Content from Existing Course

This article will show you how to duplicate content from an existing course.

Ultra - Embedding a Video in a Test Question

This article will show you how to embed a video from your Kaltura My Media in a test question.

Ultra - Enabling Grading for Discussions

This article will show you how to enable grading for your discussions.

Ultra - Enabling SafeAssign in Assignments

This article will show you how you enable SafeAssign within your assignment, so that you can access the SafeAssign Originality report once your students have submitted their work.

Ultra - Exporting Your Course

This article will show you how to export your Ultra course as a zip file down to your local machine. When you export your course, student activity data will not be included in the zip file.

Ultra - Filtering Submissions by the Needs Grading Status

This article will show you how you can see which submissions for a particular assignment or test that still need to be graded.

Ultra - Filtering the Gradebook

This article will show you how to filter your Gradebook to see specific columns and/or students.

Ultra - Gradebook Overview

This article will provide you an overview on using the Gradebook in Blackboard Ultra.

Ultra - Grading a Discussion

This article will show you how to grade your student activities within a discussion which as a rubric associated to it.

Ultra - Grading an Assignment

This article will show how to grade an assignment.

Ultra - Grading using a Rubric for your Assessments & Discussions

This article will show you how you can grade your assessments and discussions which are associated with a rubric.

Ultra - Granting Assessment Exceptions

This article will show you can give a specific access to an assessment on a different day and time along with additional attempt(s).

Ultra - Granting Students Accommodations

This article will show you how to set accommodations for individual students. You can exempt students from assessment due dates or time limits. Use accommodations to help students progress in the course even though they may have difficulty with some requirements.

Ultra - Importing a Previously Exported Course

This article will show you how to import a previously exported course into your current Ultra course.

Ultra - Importing Question Banks

This article will show you how to import question banks. You can import Original Course View question pools or files from outside resources into your Ultra course. This creates a database of questions that you can reuse in multiple assessments. Only ZIP files are supported.

Ultra - Inline File Rendering

This will show you the file options when attaching file within an Ultra Document, assignments, and tests.

Ultra - Managing Gradable Item Visibility to Students

This article will show you how to hide/show a gradable item (column) from the students in the Gradebook.

Ultra - Marking Attendance

This article will show you how to mark attendance using the Attendance tool.

Ultra - Messages Tool Overview

This article will show you how to use the Messages Tool.

Ultra - Monitoring & Replying within a Discussion

This article will show you how to monitor and respond to student activity within your discussion.

Ultra - Moving Items or Learning Modules/Folders

This article will show you how to move a content item, learning module and folder to a different location within the Blackboard course.

Ultra – Navigating in an Ultra Course for Students

This article will show students how to navigate within an Blackboard Ultra course.

Ultra - Override Overall Grade with Grade Notation

You can override the overall grade with a grade notation. A grade notation is useful if a student can't complete the course or otherwise doesn't meet the requirements for completion. Grade notations can include Incomplete, Withdrawal, and so on. This article will show you how to create the Grade notations along with applying and removing the grade notation to a student's Overall Grade.

Ultra - Overriding a Grade

This article will show you how you can override a student's assessment score within the Gradebook.

Ultra - Partial Credit for Multiple Choice Questions

This article will show you how to setup your multiple choice question to have partial credit.

Ultra - Progress Tracking Students on a Course Content Item

This article will you how to track your progress while you review and complete work in the course. Progress tracking allows you to track your course progress related to your course content, assignments, and tests. Review your progress on the Course Content page beside the item name. The item’s progress status displays within a circle.

Ultra - Publishing a Respondus Test into Bb Course

This article will show you how to import a respondus test into a question bank within your Bb Ultra course.

Ultra - Publishing a Respondus Test into Bb Course - Updated

This article will show you how to import a respondus test into a question bank within your Bb Ultra course and then use the questions from the question bank in a new test.

Ultra - Record Audio & Video Feedback on Graded Items

The Create Recording feature leverages native web browser support for the WebRTC standard to create audio and video recordings directly from the browser without plug-ins or additional software. An instructor or grader can create personalized feedback recordings for individual assessment attempts or manual gradebook items.

Ultra - Release Conditions

With Release conditions, you can use rules to release content, such as assignments and tests, to students.

Ultra - Releasing Test on a Specific Day and Time

This article will show you how you can release a test on a specific day and time using the Release Conditions option.

Ultra - Replacing an Existing Uploaded File

This article will show you to replace an existing uploaded file with an updated file.

Ultra - Reuse Questions

This article will show you how to reuse questions from another test or question banks. In the Ultra Course View, you can reuse questions and other content from all existing tests, assignments, and question banks in your course.

Ultra - SafeAssign DirectSubmit

DirectSubmit allows you to add quickly add resources to the institutional database that aren't already available in SafeAssign. You can also use it as a private library of content you believe students might copy from, or to submit content on behalf of a student for originality testing.

Ultra - SafeAssign Overview

This article will show you how to use SafeAssign with assessments such as assignments.

Ultra - Searching the Gradebook

In grid view, you can narrow your view to show only one student's row, one column, or an entire category, such as assignments. This article will show you how to search the Gradebook.

Ultra - Send Reminder from Gradebook

Instructors have the ability to send a reminder to students or groups who haven't yet made a submission for an assessment. There is a "Send Reminder" option to items in the Gradebook. Reminders is an option for all gradebook items, including LTI and third-party tools. The item must be visible to students and have no release conditions.

Ultra - Setting up Item and Category Weighting

This article will show you how you can add weighting to your Overall Grade.

Ultra - Setting up Overall Grade: Weighted Calculations

In this article, you will learn that three options for the Overall Grade Calculation (Points, Weighted, Advanced). This article will show you how to setup your Overall Grade by the Weighted Calculations.

Ultra - Starting and Joining a Recurring Zoom Meeting

This article will show you how to start and join a recurring Zoom meeting within a Blackboard Ultra course.

Ultra - Students Finding Their Group Assessments

This article will show how students can access their group's assessments such as assignments and discussions.

Ultra – Submitting OneDrive File to an Assignment

This article will show you how to add a file from your OneDrive to an assignment.

Ultra – Submitting Work to an Assignment

This article will show students how to attach a file to an assignment and submit the assignment for grading.

Ultra – Taking an Online Test

This article will show students how to take an online test within a Blackboard Ultra course.

Ultra - Test Settings - Showing Test Results and Feedback to Students

Assessment results allows you to control how students see feedback, scores, and answers once they turn in their assignment. This article explains what each option allows and what the students will see based on the selected test settings submission view option(s) selected.

Ultra - Timed Assessments

You can add a timer to assessments to help keep students on track and focused. You can only add a time limit before students begin an attempt.

Ultra - Using SafeAssign in Assignments

You can use SafeAssign to check for potential plagiarism in student submissions in both tests and assignments. This article explains how to use SafeAssign in assignments.

Ultra - Using the Student Grid View

This article will show what tasks you will perform within the Gradebook Student Grid View.

Ultra - View Grade History

It’s important for instructors and administrators to be able to track any changes made to grades in a course for audit purposes. The grade history records provide a useful audit trail helpful for addressing, for example, student questions and grade challenges. You can download them from the gradebook. This article will show how to download the course's grade history.

Ultra - Viewing Locked Item Availability Data and Time

This article will show students how to view a locked item, such as an assignment or test, availability date and time, so they know when they will be able to access it.

Ultra - Viewing students attempts during the test

This article will show you how you can access a particular student's attempt while the student is taking the test. You will be able to see if the student has started the test and which questions the student has completed so far.

Ultra: Reorganizing Gradebook Columns

This article will show you how to reorganize the columns in the Gradebook by accessing the Gradable Items list is your default view of the course gradebook.

User Support Services Webinar Recordings

This article contains videos to all of the User Support Services webinar recordings.