Attaching a OneDrive File via Web Link
1. Log into your Microsoft 365 account.
2. Click the OneDrive App
3. Select the file you want to link too.

4. Click “Copy link”.

5. Click "Settings".

6. Click "People in Rhode Island College".

7. Leave the more settings to "Can view", so that students will only have the permission to view the file.
8. Click "Apply".

9. The link has been copied.

10. Now move over to your Blackboard course and navigate to the location where you want to deploy the link.
11. On the Course Content page, select the purple plus sign where you would like to add the link:

12. Click "Create".

13. Click "Link".

14. Do the following:
A. Make sure that "Web Link" is selected.
B. Make it available to students.
C. Enter in a Display Name
D. Paste in the link URL
E. (Optional) Add in a Description

15. Click "Save".

Link has been added in your course.