Ultra - Creating a Test

Watch the how-to video

Please refer to Creating Tests for more information.

1. On the Course Content page, click the purple plus sign where you would like to create the new assignment:

course content plus sign

2. Select “Create” from the dropdown menu:

create selection

3. Below “Assessment”, click “Test”:

test selection

4. Enter a new title for your test in the header:

test title

5. To add content to the test, click the purple plus sign and select from the options in the dropdown menu:

add test content

6. To edit the test settings, click the gear icon next to “Test Settings”:

test settings gear icon

7. In the Test Settings panel, review the preset options for due dates, student attempts, grades, etc. and adjust the settings according to your preferences:

test settings

8. Click “Save” when you have finished adjusting the settings:

save and cancel buttons

9. By default, the test will be hidden from students. Click the dropdown menu in the top right corner to adjust the visibility settings:

visibility settings dropdown menu


Article ID: 154603
Thu 9/28/23 2:59 PM
Thu 11/30/23 1:09 PM