Refer to Question Pools for more information
Note: You may not add a question pool to an assessment if:
- You have attached a rubric to the assessment
- You have chosen to collect submissions offline
- Students have already opened the assessment
1. Open the assessment and click the plus sign where you would like to add a question pool:

2. Select “Add question pool” from the dropdown menu:

3. Select the checkboxes next to questions you would like to add. Click “Select all” at the top if you would like to add all questions:

4. You may also select the filters under "Sources" and “Question Types” to browse specific types of questions:

5. Click "Add Questions"

6. The question pool now appears under “Test Content”. Enter the point value for each question as well as the number of questions you would like the assessment to randomly display from the question pool:

7. Click “Save” to add the question pool to your assessment:

8. You may click “View questions” to edit individual questions in the pool. Note that any changes made here will apply anywhere the question is used: