Ultra - Timed Assessments

Watch the how-to video

Refer to Test Setting Options for more information.

Note: You can only add a timer to an assessment before students have begun an attempt. Also, any time limit you set will not apply to students with time limit accommodations.

Lastly, the time limit you enter is not applied to the assessment until you click “Save” in the Test Settings panel (Step 7).

1. Open the assessment and click the Test Settings icon to the right:

test settings button

2. Click “Add time limit” under “Additional Tools”:

add time limit button

3. Type a time limit under “Add time limit”. Select a radial button under “Submission rules” to specify whether or not students can continue to work after the time limit expires:

time limit entry

4. Click the “X” next to “Time limit” to automatically save your time limit entry in the Test Settings panel. Note: Clicking the “X” in the red square next to “Test Settings” will erase your entry:

exit with save

5. To edit the time limit after you set it, click your entry:

time limit entry

6. To delete the time limit, hover over your entry and click the trashcan that appears to the right:

delete time limit

7. Click “Save” at the bottom of the Test Settings panel:

save button


Article ID: 154615
Fri 9/29/23 9:18 AM
Thu 11/30/23 1:10 PM