Ultra - Messages Tool Overview

Watch the how-to video

Refer to Messages for more information

1. Navigate to the course Messages tab:

messages tab

2. Select “New Message” on the right:

new message button

3. Begin typing the names of recipients in the search bar below “Recipients”. You may also select individuals from the dropdown menu or click “All course members”, “All instructors”, or “All students” to message groups of course members at once:

recipients search bar

4. Click the checkboxes below “Recipients” to specify whether you would like Blackboard to send an email copy to recipients and/or allow replies to the message:

message checkboxes

5. Type your message into the textbox below “Message”. You may utilize the tool bar above the textbox to edit the text of your message and insert links, attachments, and additional content:

message textbox

6. When you have finished typing the content of your message, click “Send” in the bottom right to send it to recipients:

send button


Article ID: 154701
Mon 10/2/23 12:46 PM
Thu 11/30/23 1:12 PM