Refer to Authentic Discussion and AI Design Assistant for more information.
1. Navigate to the course Discussions tab:
2. Click “New Discussion” near the top right:
3. Click “Auto-generate discussion” near the top right:
4. Blackboard will automatically create three prompts based on the content of your course. You may refine results by editing the options under “Define the discussion”. Begin by entering a description for the discussion:
5. Blackboard allows the option to align prompts with Bloom’s taxonomy. Select your desired cognitive level from the dropdown menu, or select “Inspire me!” to randomize the cognitive level:
6. Use the purple slider to set the desired complexity of the prompt:
7. Specify whether you would like Blackboard to create a title for the discussion and click “Generate” to auto-generate the prompts. Note: You may continue to generate prompts until you are satisfied with the results:
8. Select a prompt from the list and click “Add” in the bottom right corner:
9. The prompt is now entered in the textbox of the discussion. You may edit the prompt as needed. Click “Save” when you are finished:
10. Customize any additional settings by clicking the gear icon to the right of “Discussion Settings”
11. By default, the discussion will be hidden from students. Click the dropdown menu in the top right corner of the discussion window to edit the visibility settings: