Report Suspicious E-Mail Using the "Phish Alert" Button


The Phish Alert button is a new feature available in Microsoft Outlook to help Rhode Island College e-mail users identify and report spam and suspicious e-mail messages.  The directions below illustrate how to use this new functionality.  Phish Alert is part of the college's security awareness training program for students, faculty and staff.   All RIC Microsoft Outlook users are encouraged to use Phish Alert as the go-to method for reporting any suspicious and potentially dangerous spam or phishing emails. If you get a suspicious email, locate and click the Phish Alert button and a pop-up window will appear to submit the e-mail message to the RIC ITS Information Security team.

Users of third party e-mail clients, such as the built-in Apple Mail and Google Android Mail, will not see the Phish Alert button in their mail application.  Rhode Island College Information Technology Services encourages the RIC community to use Microsoft Outlook as their primary e-mail reader for the best experience.  For those using third-party e-mail clients, suspicious messages can be forwarded to the address


Interaction with the Phish Alert button and reporting an e-mail message differs depending on the version of Outlook being used.  Phish Alert is available in the following versions of Outlook:

Outlook on the Web
Outlook for Windows (New)
Outlook for Windows (Classic)
Outlook for Mac (New)
Outlook for Mac (Legacy)
Outlook Mobile for Apple iOS/iPad OS
Outlook Mobile for Android

Select one of the links above to view how to use Phish Alert to report a message in that specific version of Outlook.

Outlook on the Web

The Phish Alert button is available in Microsoft Outlook on the Web (also known as Outlook Web Mail, Outlook Web Access, or  Report a message by doing the following:

1.  Select the message in question so the body of the e-mail is viewable.  Then select either the Apps icon or the More Actions (elipsis) icon towards the top right of the message. 

If More Actions was the only option that could be selected in the previous step, then select Apps from the list.

2.  Select the Phish Alert button app in the Apps list that is displayed.

3.  Phish Alert will open to the right in a sidebar.  Select a Classification (Phish/Suspicious, Spam, or Unknown) for the e-mail message. Then select the Phish Alert button to submit.

4. After submission, a message will be displayed that confirms the Phish Alert e-mail submission was made.

Outlook for Windows (New)

Instructions for Outlook for Windows (New) are for Outlook 365 users that have the "new" view mode enabled.  At this time, please refer to the Outlook on the Web instructions since the interface is nearly identical.  We will post directions for this version of Outlook soon.

Outlook for Windows (Classic)

Outlook for Windows (Classic), includes Outlook 2019, Outlook 2021, and Outlook 365 in "classic view".

1.  In Outlook, select a message you wish to submit or report using Phish Alert.  Then select the Phish Alert button that should be visible in the ribbon, towards the right side of the Outlook window.

2.  Phish Alert will open to the right in a sidebar.  Select a Classification (Phish/Suspicious, Spam, or Unknown) for the e-mail message. Then select the Phish Alert button to submit.

3. After submission, a message will be displayed that confirms the Phish Alert e-mail submission was made.

Outlook for Mac (New)

Outlook for Mac (New), includes Outlook 2019 for Mac, Outlook 2021 for Mac, and Outlook 365 for Mac in "new" view, version 16.42 or later.

1.  In Outlook for Mac, select a message you wish to submit or report using Phish Alert.  Then select the Phish Alert button that should be visible in the ribbon, towards the right side of the Outlook window.

2.  If the Phish Alert button is not readily displayed, select the Customize Toolbar (elipsis) button to adjust the toolbar and add the Phish Alert.

3.  Phish Alert will open to the right in a sidebar.  Select a Classification (Phish/Suspicious, Spam, or Unknown) for the e-mail message. Then select the Phish Alert button to submit.

4. After submission, a message will be displayed that confirms the Phish Alert e-mail submission was made.

Outlook for Mac (Legacy)

Outlook for Mac (Legacy) instructions are provided for users of Microsoft Outlook 2019 for Mac, Microsoft Outlook 2021 for Mac, and Microsoft 365 for Mac, using the Legacy user interface.

1.  In Outlook for Mac, select a message you wish to submit or report using Phish Alert.  Then select the Phish Alert button that should be visible in the ribbon, towards the right side of the Outlook window.

2.  Phish Alert will open to the right in a sidebar.  Select a Classification (Phish/Suspicious, Spam, or Unknown) for the e-mail message. Then select the Phish Alert button to submit.

3.  After submission, a message will be displayed that confirms the Phish Alert e-mail submission was made.

Outlook Mobile for Apple iOS/iPad OS

1.  In Outlook Mobile for iOS/iPad OS, select a message you wish to submit or report using Phish Alert.  Then select the Options button (elipsis) that should be visible below the date, towards the right side of the Outlook app.

2.  Select the Phish Alert button displayed in the Options sheet.

3. Phish Alert will open sheet on the iPhone/Pad display.  Select a Classification (Phish/Suspicious, Spam, or Unknown) for the e-mail message. Then select the Phish Alert button to submit.

4. The bottom of the Phish Alert sheet will briefly change to Processing Reporting. Then a message will be displayed that shows the report has been submitted.  Select the OK button to close Phish Alert.

Outlook Mobile for Google Android

1. In Outlook Mobile for Google Android, select a message you wish to submit or report using Phish Alert.  Then select the Options button (elipsis) that should be visible below the date , towards the right side of the Outlook app screen.

2. Select the Phish Alert button displayed in the Options sheet.

3. Phish Alert will open sheet on the Outlook Mobile app screen.  Select a Classification (Phish/Suspicious, Spam, or Unknown) for the e-mail message. Then select the Phish Alert button to submit.

4. The bottom of the Phish Alert sheet will briefly change to Processing Reporting. Then a message will be displayed that shows the report has been submitted.  Select the OK button to close Phish Alert.

Additional Resources

Using the Phish Alert Button in Microsoft 365

Using the Phish Alert Button in Microsoft Outlook

Using the Phish Alert Button in Outlook Mobile for Android

Using the Phish Alert Button in Outlook Mobile for iOS