This article desribes the steps to register the Authenticator App without using the smartphone's camera to scan the QR Code.
NOTE: this article uses screenshots made on an Android phone, however the steps on an iPhone are identical, although there will be some slight differences in how the same information is presented on the screen.
For complete instructions using an Apple iOS mobile device read Office 365: Registering for MFA using an iPhone (Apple iOS)
For complete instructions using an Android mobile device read Office 365: Registering for MFA using an Android Phone
Finally, if you are not able to use the camera on your smmartphone, we recommend to perform the complete MFA registration procedure on your mobile device (not required).
Approximate additiional time to complete these steps: 5 minutes
Authentication Method: Authenticator App without Camera
The following instructions replace points (6) through (8-1) under Authentication Method 1: Authenticator App.
- You are now prompted with "Authenticator Would Like to Access the Camera". Tap Don't Allow
- In the web browser, click or tap Next
- In the web browser, below the QR Code, click Can't scan image?
- A Code and URL will be displayed, which is the exact URL and code that is encoded in the QR code, an will link your authenticator app with your RIC Office 365 account.
- Copy and Paste (or type) the Code and URL displayed in the browser in the corresponding fields in the Authenticator App. Once both are entered, tap Finish.
- Now go back to the KB article with the complete instructions and continue with 8-2.