How to Record Your PowerPoint Lecture using Kaltura Personal Capture

1. Log into your Blackboard account and then click "Tools"

2. Click on “My Media”.

3. Click “Add New” and then select “Personal Capture”.

4. Turn on “I agree to the above terms and conditions”.

5. If you have already installed the Kaltura Capture desktop client then please proceed to step 6. If you have not already installed the Kaltura Capture desktop client, you will be prompted to install it. You will either install the Windows or MAC version.

6. Click “Open Kaltura Capture”.

7. The Kaltura Capture desktop client will appear on your screen.

8. If you only have one screen, skip to step 9. If you have multiple screens, you will want to select the screen you will be recording on.

9. Make sure that your audio is working.

10. Open your PowerPoint presentation.

11. If you don’t see the Kaltura Capture on your screen, click the “Kaltura Capture” icon located on the Start menu for PC or Docking for MAC.

12. Press the “Recording” button.

13. While you see the count down from 3 to 1, minimize the Kaltura Capture toolbar so that it’s not part of the recording.

14. Start your PowerPoint in presentation mode.

15. Go through and narrate your slides.

16. When you get through your entire presentation, you will need to do the following:

A. Click the “Kaltura Capture” icon located on the Start menu for PC or Docking for MAC.

B. Click the “Stop” button.

C. Click “Yes, Stop it”.

17. You should see the recording.

18. Do the following:

A. Enter in a Title.

B. Enter in Description.

C. Enter in at least on tag.

19. Click “Save & Upload” so that your recording is uploaded to your Kaltura My Media.

20. The recording has started to upload.

21. The recording upload is down when you no longer see the upload meter.

22. Click "Tools"

23. Click on “My Media”.

You should now see your newly uploaded Kapture Capture recording.

24. If you don’t see your uploaded recording then it means that it’s still in the process of being uploaded to our My Media. Just check back in a bit.


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Article ID: 100448
Tue 3/10/20 8:56 AM
Mon 6/12/23 9:36 AM