You can use Kaltura integrations to present rich media content in your courses. You can use Kaltura to host and share videos, images, and audio files with course members. It doesn't matter if you teach in the Original or Ultra Course View, or if you use both.

Articles (27)

How to Access Kaltura Capture?

This article will show you how to access Kaltura Capture on your PC and Mac.

How to Add Chapter Bookmarks in Your Uploaded Kaltura Media Videos

This article will show you how to add chapter bookmarks in your uploaded Kaltura media videos. Students will have access to these booksmarks when they are accessing your Kaltura video.

How to Look at the Kaltura Video Analytics

This article will show you how you go about in accessing the analytical data attached to your Kaltura video. You will be able to see how many times your students had played video, visited the videos, average view time, total view time and more.

How to Record Your PowerPoint Lecture using Kaltura Personal Capture

This article will show you how to record your PowerPoint lecture using Kaltura Personal Capture and upload your completed video to your Kaltura My Media.

How to Use Kaltura Capture to Create Your Video and Upload it to the My Media?

This article will show you how to use Kaltura Capture and upload your completed video to your Kaltura My Media.

Kaltura Monthly updates 2019

Kaltura regularly rolls out updates to its products. This article will summarize those changes…

Kaltura: Kaltura Capture settings

This article describes the Kaltura Capture application's, Management Page.
After you open the Kaltura Capture Application, the Management window may be opened by clicking Manage on the Kaltura Capture Recorder.

Kaltura: Accessibility Features

Kaltura Contrast Button for Blackboard to Enable Further Accessibility

Kaltura: Accessing your Kaltura video media entry ID

If you are having an issue in playing your Kaltura video, you will want to provide your video’s media entry ID to the ITS Help Desk when they create your service ticket. This article will show you the steps on how to access your Kaltura video’s media entry ID.

Kaltura: Edit Media Page - 'Owner' hyperlink fails

The Kaltura Edit Media Page in Blackboard displays both a current video and an adjacent box with the metadata for the video. The second item in the list contains the owner's name. The 'Creator' name is a hyperlink. Attempting to click on this link will open a new web page with the entry "Access Denied".

Kaltura: Embed a video in your Bb Ultra course

This article will show you how to embed a Kaltura video into your Blackboard Ultra course.

Kaltura: Express Capture vs. Kaltura Capture

Kaltura offers two methods of capturing video, this how are they differ.

Kaltura: How can I tell if Kaltura is working?

Learn how to tell if Kaltura is operating correctly.

Kaltura: How do I get Kaltura Software for iOS?

There is no Kaltura Personal Capture for iOS. This means that you can’t capture the screen using a Kaltura product. There are, however, several ways to make a screen recording on iOS. This article will highlight two methods.

Kaltura: How to upload a video to 'My Media'

This video will show instructors how to upload media files, such as a video file, to their Kaltura My Media.

Kaltura: Kaltura Express Capture Guide

Kaltura Express Capture enables recording content directly from the browser without the need to install any additional software. A new Big Red Button has been added to Kaltura Express Capture (Webcam Recording) to enable you to add content from your Webcam Recorder to Blackboard.

Kaltura: Mashup Tool fails in Google Chrome

The release of Google Chrome Version 90.0.4430.85 and higher has introduced a bug in the Kaltura Media Mashup Tool…

Kaltura: Media Gallery

The Kaltura Media Gallery is a centralized library of videos and other media content for a particular course, visible to all instructors and students within that course. Instructors add media from their My Media account.

Kaltura: 'My Media' has moved

The recent update to Ultra Base Navigation in Blackboard resulted in Kaltura changing locations. You can now find in the Blackboard Tools menu

Kaltura: Opening ‘My Media’ for the 1st Time

Since Blackboard Learn was updated to use Ultra Base Navigation there have been changes to Kaltura 'My Media'. These are most noticeable on the first launch.

Kaltura: Sharing video with other Blackboard faculty

Enabling Kaltura Collaboration

There are times when you have an audio or video file that you want to share with another faculty member. Perhaps, you are teaching different sections of the same course. This is an easy to use feature embed within Kaltura.

Kaltura: What file types can I upload to Kaltura?

What media formats can be uploaded to Blackboard / Kaltura?

Kaltura: What is the difference between My Media and Media Gallery?

Explaining the difference between the Kaltura 'My Media' and the Kaltura 'Media Gallery' in Blackboard

Kaltura: What’s New for Fall 2019

What's new in Kaltura for Fall 2019

Kaltura: Edit Media Page - Collaboration (Sharing Kaltura video)

This article will show you how to allow collaborators to view and use your media in their courses

Kaltura: Edit Media Page - Enabling Downloads (deprecated)

Kaltura allows the download of audio and video files from within Blackboard. The ability to enable media downloads is available to instructors but is disabled by default. It’s quite easy, however, to enable the download of Kaltura media files. This article will walk you through the steps.