Ultra - Adding Gradebook Calculations: Average

Watch the how-to video

Refer to Calculate Grades for more information.

1. Navigate to the course Gradebook:

gradebook tab

2. On the Gradable Item or Grades view, hover over the row or column where you would like to add the calculation and click the purple plus sign:

3. Select “Add Calculation” from the dropdown menu:

4. Enter a title for your calculation at the top of the window:

5. Select the type of grade schema (Letter, Points, Percentage, Complete/Incomplete) you would like to use for the calculation from the dropdown menu below the title:

6. Below “Functions and Variables”, click “Average”:

functions and variables average

7. Hover over “AVG ( )” in the calculation box to the right and click the down arrow:

average button arrow

8. Select the categories and/or individual gradable items you would like to include in the average from the dropdown menu. You may need to scroll down to view all items:

9. By default, the calculation will be hidden from students in the gradebook. You may edit the visibility settings in the dropdown menu in the top right corner:

visibility settings

10. Click “Save” in the bottom right:

save buttonq

11. The average calculation will now appear as a row or column in your gradebook: