Microsoft 365: Change the Authenticator Verification method


This article provides instructions how to change the Microsoft Authenticator Verification mode. These instructions expect you have read Microsoft 365: Setting up Multi-Factor Authentication and Password Reset.

Approximate time to complete steps: 3 - 7 minutes.

What Is Needed To Change The Verification Mode:

What you Need to Know:

  • The Authenticator app supports two (2) verification methods and the default is "Push Notification"
  • Push Notification verification:
    • Is the easiest in use
    • Requires the app to be Online. If your mobile phone has no Internet connection the verification cannot be displayed in the Authenticator
  •  Verification Code is the second method:
    • Requires typing in a 6-digit code
    • The app can be Offline during verification. The Verification Code is generated by the app on your phone


Steps To Change Authenticator Verification Method:

  • From your desktop or laptop, go to and log on
    1. Select Security Info in the left navigation pane
    2. Click Change next to Default sign-in method in the right pane
    3. Select Authenticator app or hardware token - code in the Change default method pull-down menu
    4. Click Confirm to commit the change. (In the upper right a green bar with the message Your default sign-in method was updated)
  • Log out and close the browser window

IMPORTANT: you can change your default second factor verification method to the one of your choice. The Authenticator with Push Notification is the easiest to use. If you choose text or call, your phone need to have reception from a mobile carrier in order to complete the logon.

Change Default Verification method


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Article ID: 96043
Fri 1/17/20 9:04 AM
Tue 7/7/20 6:53 AM

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