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You need to submit all MyRIC (Campus Solution, HR, and Financials) data requests here. However, we will need to evaluate your request so that the request meets the data security requirements.

Please submit all reports and queries related requests here. Please note that service for handling data requests is listed separately and you will need to submit data request under "Data Request".

Enter any MyRIC/PeopleSoft modification or change requests, along with justifications why the changes are needed.

Please submit MyRIC service request or report any MyRIC (Portal, Campus Solutions, HR, and/or Financials) issues here. We will try our best to get them resolved.

Request changes to MyRIC (PeopleSoft) account permissions (for Campus Solutions, HR, and Financials)

Please request special MyRIC training here. We provide MyRIC training in the following areas: Campus Solutions, HR, Financials. If other administrative offices need to be involved, we will coordinate that.