This article is an overview page of the information and instructions available on the topic of Microsoft 365 Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) and Self Service Password Reset (SSPR).
NOTE: When you register for MFA, you also register for SSPR,
If this information does not resolve your question or issue, please contact the ITS Help Center at (401) 456 8803 or
Getting started with MFA
Microsoft 365: Setting up Multi-Factor Authentication and Password Reset for instructions to register for MFA
Microsoft 365: Registering for MFA using an iPhone (Apple iOS) to jump right to setting up MFA on your Apple iOS device
Microsoft 365: Registering for MFA using an Android Phone to jump right to setting up MFA on your Android Phone
Additional information on MFA
Microsoft 365 Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) provides background information on Multi-Factor Authentication
Change the Authenticator Verification Method when to want to switch from "Push Notification" to "Code" or vice versa
Managing your Password with Office 365 SSPR
Resetting or changing the password of your RIC Account can now be done via Office 365. Once changed, the password can be used immediately.
You can manage your password from a desktop/laptop or your mobile device.
What is needed to manage your Password:
- Access to a desktop/laptop or Mobile device (iPhone/iOS or Android)
- Internet Access
- Completed setup of Office 365 MFA
Instructions to Manage your password with Office 365:
Setting your Password