Connect to a Department Shared/Scan Drive on Apple macOS


This article provides step-by-step instructions on connecting to Department Shared/Scan drives on computers running macOS.


The following pre-requisites are required for successfully connecting to the Department Shared/Scan drives on macOS:

1.  The Macintosh computer must be connected to the RIC wired/ethernet network.  RIC-GUEST wi-fi does not allow connections to network department shares.
2.  A Macintosh computer owned and managed by Rhode Island College.
3.  A RIC user account that has been granted permission to access the department network share(s).


1.  Go to the Finder in macOS.

2.  Navigate to the Go menu in the Finder.

3.  Select Connect to Server in the Go menu.


4.  In the Connect to Server window that appears enter the following (in bold):

Server Address: smb://
Select Connect

5.  In the authentication window that pops up:

Select Connect as Registered User or Connect (Depending on version of macOS installed on your Macintosh)

6.  Enter your RIC credentials

Username: enter in your RIC username in the same format used to login to MyRIC (flastname_0000without the e-mail address part of the username.
Password: Enter RIC account password same used for MyRIC and Microsoft 365.
Then select Connect.

7.  When connected successfully, a blue network share icon will be displayed on the Macintosh computer's desktop:

Select the DataRoot01 share icon.
Inside you will see the names of network department shares your RIC account has been assigned access to.  These folders are usually named by department or purpose of the shared folder if it's accessed by multiple departments.
Inside the top level network/department share folder will be additional folders such as _Scan _Share and _Home depending on the level of access the logged in RIC account has been provided.


Article ID: 152224
Mon 6/12/23 3:30 PM
Wed 12/20/23 10:57 AM