Be Kind, Rewind

Why it's time to abandon VHS


If you have much of your curriculum in the VHS video format then it’s time to make a change. VHS is long past its prime. We suggest that you consider the following factors regarding VHS:

  • The last major Hollywood VHS release was "The History of Violence" in 2006.
  • The last VHS tapes were manufactured in 2008.
  • The last VHS machines were manufactured in 2016.

Once our current VHS decks break there are no replacements 1. We will continue to maintain our current inventory in classrooms but inevitably they will fade away. Ideally, we need to prepare for that transition in advance.

Feature Films

If the VHS tapes that you use in your courses contain feature films then the easiest (and cheapest) solution, by far, is to purchase DVD copies. User Support Services will not convert VHS tapes that are currently available in DVD format. You may even consider purchasing used DVD copies. These can then be converted into digital files for use in Blackboard.

My Recordings

If the VHS tapes that you use are recordings that you made yourself then contact the Help Desk to request help in converting your VHS tapes to digital files (not DVD’s).

Why not DVD?

We suggest that converting VHS to a DVD is just kicking the can down the road. DVD is poised to (slowly) be replaced, just as VHS was replaced by DVD. Moving to a digital format offers the most flexibility for current and future distribution.

Use Kaltura to show video

As part of the Blackboard Learning Management system Rhode Island College offers an add-on called Kaltura. It’s the best method to add video to your Blackboard courses. It’s also a convenient way to display video during class time. There is no more lugging tapes and DVD’s around.

Should you need help

Should you require assistance in converting your old media, please contact the Help Desk:

  • Send Mail to the Help Desk or call 456-8803 to schedule a consultation.
  • Alternately, submit a service request at the RIC Service Center

Related Articles:

  1. The renovations of Gaige Hall and Craig-Lee saw the removal of VHS machines from their classrooms. Future renovations will lead to a further decline in VHS machines available for classroom use. ↩︎
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Article ID: 90685
Mon 10/28/19 2:19 PM
Thu 2/20/20 4:49 PM