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- Knowledge Base
- Online Learning and Blackboard Services
- Kaltura
Explaining the difference between the Kaltura 'My Media' and the Kaltura 'Media Gallery' in Blackboard
- Knowledge Base
- Online Learning and Blackboard Services
- Kaltura
This video will show instructors how to upload media files, such as a video file, to their Kaltura My Media.
- Knowledge Base
- Online Learning and Blackboard Services
- Blackboard Support and Documentation
This article will show you how to embed a video from your Kaltura My Media in a test question.
- Knowledge Base
- Online Learning and Blackboard Services
- Kaltura
Since Blackboard Learn was updated to use Ultra Base Navigation there have been changes to Kaltura 'My Media'. These are most noticeable on the first launch.
- Knowledge Base
- Online Learning and Blackboard Services
- Kaltura
The recent update to Ultra Base Navigation in Blackboard resulted in Kaltura changing locations. You can now find in the Blackboard Tools menu