Blackboard Course Merge Request

Use this form to request a merge of one or more of your Blackboard course sections.

Merging course sections in Blackboard combine the enrollments of two or more course sections into one.  Students and faculty only see the one merged "parent" course in their course list.

One or more "child" courses are joined to an existing "parent" course (the course that you and the students will work in).  The content and title of the parent course stay intact, but student work & content in the child course(s) is NOT carried over; only the student enrollments from the child courses are carried over to the parent course.

Note:  All course merge requests must be requested before the first day of the semester.

Request Service


Service ID: 53085
Fri 2/17/23 11:28 AM
Fri 2/17/23 12:27 PM