Kaltura: Edit Media Page - Enabling Downloads (deprecated)

Enabling Kaltura Downloads


Kaltura allows the download of audio and video files from within Blackboard. The ability to enable media downloads is available to instructors but is disabled by default. It’s quite easy, however, to enable the download of Kaltura media files. This article will walk you through the steps. The process of enabling video downloads is broken into a few steps. 

The steps involve:

  • open the “Faculty Resources” tab
  • open the ‘Kaltura - My Media’ module
  • choose the media on which you want to enable downloading
  • click the “Edit” button on the right of your entry
  • open the “Downloads” tab
  • Enable video downloading

Below you will find the steps in greater detail.

‘My Media’ - selecting content

In order to make a video available for download it’s necessary to first enter the ‘My Media’ section of your Kaltura/Blackboard account. 

There are several paths to the Kaltura ‘My Media’ page. In this example, I’m going to direct you to the ‘Faculty Resources’ tab at the top of the Blackboard web page.

Figure 1. - Faculty Resources tab

In the upper left corner of that module page you will find the ‘My Media’ module. Clicking on the link will transport you to the ‘My Media page.

On the ‘My Media’ page you will find a list of the files added to your Kaltura account. Choose the media file on which you want to enable downloading.

Figure 2 - Select your media file in My Media

Click on the ‘Edit’ button. This will bring you to the Kaltura ‘Edit’ page.

Turn on downloads

On the Kaltura ‘Edit’ page select the tab entitled ‘Downloads’.

Figure 3 - Downloads Tab

You will now find several check boxes below your movie. Enable as many ‘flavors’ as you would like to download. Please note that the last download option is listed as Originally uploaded media. Adding this option will allow you to download the original file that you uploaded.

Once finished, make sure to click the ‘Save’ button. Next, click the “Go To Media” button

Download your media

Once you have clicked the “Go To Media” link, notice that there is now a ‘Download’ button which was not available before. Your media files are now available for download.


Figure 4 - Download your media


Click the download links associated with each media file you want to download.


Once you have completed downloading your selected media files you may want to repeat the steps in reverse and this time disable the download check boxes so that students will not be able to download your files.


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Article ID: 77953
Wed 5/8/19 4:08 PM
Thu 10/13/22 1:17 PM

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